Caya, a Greek-inspired eatery in Dubai. The name’s meaning “pure” is reflected in the design, which exudes South European vibes.

The design, whilst being quite minimal at first glance, is full of Mediterranean design features. Santorini inspired cracked mosaic tile floor feature, a charming courtyard, the use of neutral tones as well as the infusion of greenery.

Mediterranean Vibes

The 270 square meter space was once a property sales centre. However, Finch has transformed it into a beautiful eatery for the community.

Delicate touches

Subtle design elements take center stage in this café’s aesthetic, from the positioning and styling of the main coffee counter to the carefully chosen furniture. Delicate touches, such as niches and archways, enhance the space’s charm. The café also features a thoughtfully integrated children’s play area, seamlessly fitting within the overall talented designer ready for creating new and fresh designs for agencies and project all over the world.

Local Style

The restaurant, as a concept, is all about being an affordable community hotspot that is about providing a dining alternative to the normal grab and co concepts that usually fill these community areas.

Mediterranean design features, a charming courtyard, Santorini-inspired tile floors and neutral tones.


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