Neil Baker

Neil builds amazing brands

Branding Director | 2017 – Present

Neil Baker is a UK national who was born in the UK but lived in the Middle East most of his life. Having graduated with a first class Hons degree in graphic design from Loughborough University in the UK, Neil moved to Dubai to further his career working in design studios and publishing houses throughout the UAE before joining the FINCH team.

He brought with him nearly 20 years of design experience and technical knowledge ensuring creative flexibility across a diverse range of project requirements.

He has worked with clients large and small ranging from start ups to airlines. Some of those clients include Emaar, Etihad, Emirates AIrlines, One & Only Royal Mirage Hotels, Masdar City, Armani Hotels to name a few.


  • 25 Years Experience
  • Brand Strategy Expert
  • Began his career designing CD album covers
  • Once branded a whole airline
  • Lived most of his life in Bahrain and Dubai

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