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Best Interior Designers In Dubai!

Best Interior Designers In Dubai!
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It's official:

Best Interior Designers in Dubai. We are so delighted the Emma has once again been named as one of the best and most influential interior designers in Dubai. Featured in Commercial Interior Design Magazines Power List. Emma has ranked as one of the leading ladies in the industry. It’s a huge honor and testament to Emma’s hard work and endeavours.  We would love to thank our clients. The amazing team at Studio EM and of course Commercial Interior Design for the feature.

From the article:

Co-founder and creative director of Dubai-based boutique design agency Studio EM. Emma Stinson, rediscovered her mojo in 2019 and believes some of the company’s best work has been completed in the last 12 months. Studio EM’s portfolio of recently completed projects includes Marco Pierre White’s New York Italian in Abu Dhabi. Skydive Dubai, Namshi’s head office, gentlemen’s barber concept Refinery in Kenya, and outlets for Wagamama and Five Guys.

With retail, food and beverage and fitness projects on the horizon. In Kenya, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, the future looks promising for the Sharjah-born designer. Who has completed more than 200 projects with Studio EM.

About the list:

Commercial Interior Design conducts a comprehensive survey among the top industry design professionals. To draw up this year’s most powerful individuals in the region.

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